Please Submit This Form To Request A Project SAFE Workshop Name * First Name Last Name Name of Organization * Email Address * Phone * (###) ### #### Which Workshop are you requesting? Anatomy (Youth ) HIV 101 (Youth) - This workshop provides an overview of HIV transmission and prevention. We will review and dispelled common myths about HIV, discuss prevention strategies such as PEP and PrEP, and provide information on HIV testing. Birth Control (Youth)- This workshop provides a comprehensive overview of current birth control methods, as well as information on how youth can protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and STIs. STIs (Youth) - This workshop provides an overview of the most common STI’s, how they are transmitted, and how they can be prevented and treated. Consent (youth) Self-Care (Youth) Healthy Relationships (Youth) LGBTQ Relationships (Youth ) Making Proud Choices (Youth)- Making Proud Choices is an eight-module evidence-based curriculum that provides young people with the knowledge, confidence, and skills necessary to reduce their risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV, and unplanned pregnancy. Workshops are facilitated in a way that is inclusive of youth of all genders, sexual orientations, and abilities. The Let's Talk About Sex (staff/parents)- The Let’s Talk about Sex workshop offers strategies for youth workers on making these conversations easier. Details About Your Group Number of youth in each class? * Number of classes? * Language needs * Are students able to use their phones? * Yes No Would we have access to (check all that apply) * White Board Smart Board Video Streaming DVD player Anything else we should know about your group? How did you hear about us? What are the hours and potential dates for the workshop? Please provide 3 different dates and times that work for your organization. Thank you!